The Network

The network "" consists of the following partner institutions:

AGES (Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit GmbH) (Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety)

The Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety GmbH (AGES) is responsible for registration and control of agricultural supplies (seeds, plant protection products, feedstuffs, etc.), food inspections, the prevention and control of animal diseases and infectious diseases in humans, as well as the supervision and registration of pharmaceuticals and medical products to provide save food and ensure health for humans, animals and vegetation.

Professional competence...

AMA (Agrarmarkt Austria) (Agricultural market Austria)

Agricultural market Austria (AMA) provides reports on the market and prices of agricultural products and following the Austrian Lebensmittelbewirtschaftungsgesetz, AMA is consigned to enforce and prepare intervention measures in the case of a crisis (disruption of supply).

Professional competence...

BAB (Bundesanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft und Bergbauernfragen) (Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics)

The Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics (BAB) is a socio-economic research institute of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management.

Professional competence...

ICC (International Association for Cereal Science and Technology)

With its headquarters in Austria, the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC) facilitates an ideal international integration of the planned activities of the network.

Professional competence...
